Pat's Luau Potato Salad
This dish is simply perfect for hot summer days!
I always joke that it was this recipe that made me accept my husband's proposal. He visited our family one Christmas and then volunteered to make potato salad for Christmas Dinner. It has been a staple in all family reunions ever since.
I'm not a big fan of too many ingredients in potato salad, like carrots, peas or pineapples, so that's why for me, it is the best potato salad I have ever tasted. Even friends love this dish! I call it the Heavenly Potato Salad, but being his usual humble self, Pat decided to simply call it Luau Potato Salad.
Introducing, episode 1 of Easy Hawaiian Cooking, produced and directed by... me! Starring, Pat the hubby!
To all my media pro friends, I do know what needs to improve (haha), so just enjoy the recipe... and the wonderful capabilities of Canon 500D and its lenses! You'll definitely get a better episode 2 soon!
And if you get to lazy to make this (it does take a lot of time!) and if you are in the Singapore area, you may just get to order your own Luau Potato Salad. Watch this space!