The Laziest Diet... EVER!

Aug 17, 2009


There's something irresitably calming about the bossa nova. I distinctly remember how I was in my childhood, secretly dancing to the music in our corridor when my parents had their cocktail parties and they played the music all evening long. When it was time to turn the record to it's Side B, I'd gladly go downstairs and play DJ and willingly do it for my parents!

So when I found out Bossacucanova was visiting the Singapore shores to play their music, I got really excited! They're coming to our shores on the 9th of September! Yay!

Sit back, reax, and simply press play.

Just like how I adore Pizzicato Five, I like Bossacucanova for their vintage feel. I love revisiting the glamorous sixties, be it in music, furniture, or even fashion! It somehow feels a little more organic.

Click on their Facebook page to RSVP!

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